Sunday, August 25, 2019

I am dreaming for the ocean

Alex brought a new rug a few days ago, for me only.

He did not say it but it is so obvious.
Fluffy, thick, good for me sleeping on it, who else would like that? right?

So, this morning, he found some music on spotilick (spotify for Alex) that he got from Gracie's mom and listening to the music, I had a dream.

I was dreaming of the beach in NZ where my friend Gracie waits for me to visit.

And the ocean with waves, big waves, my favorite.

And seals. Not sure what seals are but they look cute, have whiskers and go slow. Oh, and they swim too but not as good as me.

And Alex was home so not with mi and there waz noone to say "Waffles, do not dig", "Waffles, do not run", "Waffles stop jumping, you dumb dog", "Waffles, calm down".

Just me and Gracie who understands how difficult life is.

And then I heard, "Waffles, I am going out" and woke up.


I want back on the beach.


The elections are coming.
I will represent all doggies as their pottylician:

But SPCA who organizes the elections said that I have to raise funds first.

I need ducks raised (bucks for Alex) for Jack, Bobby, Vincent, Cutie, Moe and all other SPCA guys.

Would you help me?
Donate a duck for Waffles! If you can...
I promise that I will not eat any duck, but may play with it a bit.

I lick you (like for Alex so he understands whats going on) anyways.
How can I not lick you?
You are my fan.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

My precious

I heard somewhere and sometime someone saying "my preciousss, my preciousss" but I dont remember much about it.

Me, compared to Alex who remembers a surgery 6 weekz ago, live only now so dont have time for thingz from the past a. About pasta, where is my share from the pasta with cheese, Alex? Huh? Bring it quikly, I need a snak.

I discovered my preciousss finally.

It is not a ring but a horn.

Horns are best for music and buffalos.

I hope this makez senz. To me, it doz.

Where waz I? Yes, I heard somewhere and some time someone saying "my preciousss, my preciousss" but I dont remember much about it.

Did i say this alredy? Dont remember.

My precious is amazing.

It lasts forever, couldnt make any changes to it yet.

It is rezistant, felled from 7 flour and he survived in one piece.
It followz me everywhere I go.
In the bedroom, on the balcony, in the bedroom, on the balcony.

He is so dedicated.

My precioussss!
My precious!


I have a feeling that my humans do not understand me well sometimes.

Maybe they need synonyms for some words:

Wafflez - delicious

Waffles - me

doctor - dogter

breakfast - food fast

lunch - munch

supper - souper

park - park

cone - takeitaway

pills - youeatthem

chicken - food

beef - food

pork - food

fish - food

stay - no

sit - no

down - no

slow - no

no running - grrrrrrr

no playing - grrrrrrr

no jumping - grrrrrrr

whos a good boy - me

whos the best - me

couch - my bed

bed - my bed

mattress - my bed

crate - havefun

vet - nope

go to sleep - nope

Once upon a time, we had a cat

Named Chic.

A stray cat, not royalty like me.

My people had another puppy, Sparky at that time but he left a year ago in a looooooooong trip.

Hope he has a good time!

But where is the cat?

I want a cat now!

Cats are purrfect for me.

I dont go out much, they dont go either.
I need things to do and the cat can provide opportunities.
Purring is good for sleeping.
They are smaller.
And they can scratch, but I can bark.

So where is my cat? i want my cat now! now, now, now!

The cat left for a looooong trip as well???

Man, why couldn't they wait with these trips? the timing sucks for me because

I need a cat, Alex! cat with a c.

Wherez the sushi?

Last night, Alex proposed my favorite for dinner.


Yasssssss, I said, approved, agreed, confirmed, lets do it, what are you waiting for, order now, is it here yet???

The sushi came and Alex said that I will have my share as always.

He handed me the whole sushi box, all sushi box for me only.

He finally gets my position, importance and role, the pack leader.

So I started looking into the sushi box.

But where waz the sushi?

Wherez za fish?
Did it run away?
Where did it go?

Did the delivery person eat it?

We have to complain about zis becoz how can a sushi box have no sushi?

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

2 crate-room rental

2 crate apartment for rent available immmmmmmediately.

New fluffy rug in both rooms.

Air conditioner.

Free treats of multiple kinds.

Free things to chew.

Free massage.

Separate exits.

As new, almost never used.

Access corridor between crates.

Amazing view.

Free rent. You just have to spend time with me 24 hours per day.

For more information and to booooook an crate-pointment, call 604-waff-les.

Hurry, Alex may be interested in moving in.

Thursday, July 4, 2019